Taking Spiritual Awakening & Biblical Thinking to the Nations
with Drs. Eddie & Susan Hyatt & Friends
To proclaim God's ways throughout the earth so that people everywhere may come to truly know Him and fulfill His purpose for their lives.
God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations(Psalm 67:1-2).
During the first year of our marriage, now forty years ago, the Holy Spirit made the above passage very real to our hearts and we knew it was an expression of His call on our lives to make known His ways throughout the earth.
To see genuine Revival and Reformation transform the church and impact the world in this generation.
Revival is Spiritual awakening that occurs when the Holy Spirit breathes on an individual, a congregation, or an entire nation and it suddenly comes alive with a new awareness of God, of Christ, of heaven, of hell and of things eternal. Such awakening occurs when the church returns to its first love for Jesus Christ (Revelation 2:4) and embraces a new and radical dependence on His Holy Spirit as is seen in the New Testament church.
Reformation is Biblical thinking applied to our church structures and programs. It consists of a modifying of how we do church in order to make way for the Holy Spirit and His work in our midst. There are five planks in our platform for Reformation.
A servant leadership in which the Christian leader sees his or her role as serving and equipping the individual members of the body of Christ, helping them to realize their gifts and become all that God has called them to be.
A mobilizing of the body of Christ so that the church is no longer filled with spectators who go to church to be entertained, but individuals who are being equipped to proclaim Christ and be the church throughout the week in their homes, jobs and communities.
A fresh examination and purging of the message we preach, making sure that it is the message of Jesus and not a cultural, politically-correct message that has been emptied of its power (I Corinthians 1:18).
A new emphasis on Holy Spirit baptism that recognizes His empowering presence, not as something nice that we can do without, but as something absolutely essential for our survival.
Moving from gender-determined roles to Spirit-gifted functions wherein believers function according to their God-given gifts, and in no way confined or limited by their gender.
If you would like to schedule me to speak to your congregation, Bible college, conference, etc., send an email to dreddiehyatt@gmail.com and give the details of your request.
Sue also ministers on occasion but is primarily occupied with writing and with the development and administration of God's Word to the World Fellowship & College. Check out her websites at godswordtowomen.org and icwhp.org.
We are continually writing and publishing and you can check out our writings by clicking the "Bookstore" button on the left side of this page.
Through sacrificial gifts of friends and partners, we have established a broadcast studio that opens unlimited opportunities for spreading the message He has entrusted to us around the world. Join us live and online each Tuesday evening by clicking the "Live Streaming" button on the left side of this page.
We are developing an online Christian college that will provide training for Christians all over the world.
Become a prayer partner by praying daily for us and we will put you on a list for daily prayer. Become a financial partner and give on a regular basis to help cover the monthly operating expenses for the various ministry outreaches.
When God's people join together, incredible things happen. One drop of rain is not much, but combined with millions of other drops it creates a flood that cannot be stopped. Prayerfully consider joining with us in creating a flood of God's light and truth in the earth today?
Copyright (c) 2023 Eddie Hyatt. Last Modified: 03/23/2023